An Ofqual Recognised Awarding Organisation


How to give unique answers to common interview questions
At Qualifi, we continuously aim to update our qualifications and delivery methods to create quality learning content that capture and hold the attention of the modern learner. Keeping in line with this vision, we have collaborated with Canvas to deliver our qualifications through an intuitive learning management system.
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reasons to study a diploma
At Qualifi, we continuously aim to update our qualifications and delivery methods to create quality learning content that capture and hold the attention of the modern learner. Keeping in line with this vision, we have collaborated with Canvas to deliver our qualifications through an intuitive learning management system.
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At Qualifi, we continuously aim to update our qualifications and delivery methods to create quality learning content that capture and hold the attention of the modern learner. Keeping in line with this vision, we have collaborated with Canvas to deliver our qualifications through an intuitive learning management system.
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As artificial intelligence (AI) continues to make significant strides in various industries, its potential impact on higher education is becoming increasingly evident. From personalised learning experiences to streamlining administrative processes, AI is poised to revolutionise the way higher education institutions function and deliver value to students. In this article, we explore the key areas where...
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The age of chalkboards, rowed benches, and traditional classrooms may never completely disappear, but it’s being complemented and at times replaced by a digital counterpart that is storming the gates of education: online learning. Over the past decade, the growth of online education has been unprecedented, and with the recent global events such as the...
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The onset of the COVID-19 pandemic brought unforeseen challenges to numerous industries, with hospitality being one of the most significantly affected. As we emerge from the throes of the pandemic and adjust to the new normal, the hospitality sector is at the cusp of a transformative journey, adapting to new market demands, consumer expectations, and...
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In the throes of academia, it’s all too easy for students to become consumed by deadlines, assignments, and the pursuit of success. However, while the aspiration to excel academically is commendable, there is a crucial factor that often gets overshadowed: health. Both mental and physical well-being are paramount to a student’s success, and in this...
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Every student’s journey is unique, paved with dreams, goals, and aspirations. However, a common denominator among all successful students is their approach to studying effectively and efficiently. At Qualifi, we are committed to ensuring our centre’s students don’t just learn, but excel in their chosen fields. To aid in this endeavour, we’ve collated some tried...
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In today’s fast-paced, evolving world, mere academic knowledge and technical prowess are no longer sufficient to ensure success. It’s the soft skills and life skills, often glossed over in traditional educational setups, that often determine one’s true prowess in professional and personal spheres. At Qualifi, while our primary objective remains to equip our students with...
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Does age matter for higher education?
At Qualifi, we continuously aim to update our qualifications and delivery methods to create quality learning content that capture and hold the attention of the modern learner. Keeping in line with this vision, we have collaborated with Canvas to deliver our qualifications through an intuitive learning management system.
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