Jo Johnson, the higher education minister, has already set out the government’s vision for a system where students can move more easily between HE providers without losing credit for the work they have already undertaken.Now UCAS, the university admissions service, has said it too regards greater “portability of qualifications” as “vital”. A spokesman said last week...Read More
Full article here – belowA great idea often starts with a lightbulb moment, a flash of inspiration that feels like it could be something big – but for many ideas that’s as far as it gets. For successful innovators, getting to the point where things really take off is a long and often winding road of...Read More
Full article here – below:The benefits enjoyed by those with postgraduate qualifications are becoming increasingly evident. Research published by the Sutton Trust education charity suggests that, in Britain, they will earn on average 14% more than those with an undergraduate degree alone. They are also 15% more likely to be employed full-time after six months, according to...Read More
Full Article here – belowA growing number of students believe a bachelor’s degree is no longer enough to attract the attention of employers when job hunting and are entering postgraduate education to boost their employment prospects. Data from the Higher Education Funding Council shows the number of people taking full-time, taught postgrad programmes surged by more than...Read More
The Department for Education has announced that it’ll be carrying out a review into higher level technical education, with a particular focus on Level 4 and 5 technical qualifications.In response, David Hughes, Chief Executive of the Association of Colleges, said: “This review into higher level technical education is long overdue because it addresses a long-term,...Read More
Full article here –, the Department for Education has published a consultation on the OFS regulatory framework.In response, Julian Gravatt, Deputy Chief Executive at the Association of Colleges, said: “Colleges have offered affordable, local and employment-focused higher education across the country for decades. Around 150,000 students in over 200 colleges benefit from these opportunities each year....Read More
Full article here – below.Scrapping interest on student loans and extending the time limit on paying it back could help to avoid a future debt crisis, a centre-right think tank says. UK 2020 is proposing that interest on all student loans – typically 6% a year – should be scrapped. This would reduce unpaid student debt by an...Read More
Full article here – below:Numbers of part-time students, who are typically older and often juggling a job or family, or both, have more than halved. They are down 56% since 2010, according to the latest figures from the Higher Education Statistics Agency. Part-time enrolments in England slumped in 2012 when the government raised the cap on...Read More