An Ofqual Recognised Awarding Organisation


Universities must prioritise students over their research interests, new regulator says

Full article here – Extracts below Research in universities must not eclipse students’ interests, the head of a new higher education watchdog has said. Nicola Dandridge, chief executive of the Office for Students (OfS) said that while research is essential, it must not be pursued at the expense of students. Her warning comes amid a growing […]

FE should lead on the EdTech agenda

Full article here – Extracts below The opportunity for artificial intelligence-backed virtual reality to revolutionise technical and vocational education and training is upon us, says Ali Hadawi (Principal and Chief Executive, Central Bedfordshire College). There is a distinct opportunity for the FE sector to lead the change in delivering truly inspirational learning and training […]

First cross-sector opportunity for teachers, trainers and leaders to have their say

First cross-sector opportunity for teachers, trainers and leaders to have their say in a major sector-led systematic Training Needs Analysis Full article here – Extracts: Sector bodies and the Department for Education (DfE) have joined forces under the aegis of the Education and Training Foundation to launch a major national exercise in finding out what […]

Tuition fee repayment earnings threshold to rise to £25,000

Theresa May announced change, along with a freeze in fee levels and review of student funding, at Tory party conference Full article here – Extracts: Speaking at the start of the Conservative party conference in Manchester, Theresa May announced plans to raise the income level that triggers student loan repayments for recent graduates in […]

Universities must do more to stop the graduate brain drain

Full article here – Extracts below: Universities need to invest more in connecting their students with local businesses so that students learn more about the opportunities for future employment close to where they have chosen to study. Employability remains a key priority, with our surveys consistently showing that students want their institutions to do […]

Fake exam certificate website shut down

Full article here – Exam boards have revealed that they have succeeded in shutting down a website selling “fake examination certificates”. The body representing the exam boards – the Joint Council for Qualifications – says the website was selling fake GCSE and A-level certificates for £400. Michael Turner, head of the JCQ, says it […]

Young people face ‘debt epidemic’

By Judith Burns BBC News Full article here – Extracts below: The Young Women’s Trust says a quarter of young people in England and Wales have to borrow to make ends meet and are facing a “debt epidemic”. Ministers say their reforms are improving young people’s incomes. But the charity’s survey of more than […]

Intelligent machines will replace teachers within 10 years, leading public school headteacher predicts

Human tutors will be sidelined in near future as AI takes a central role in education, suggests Sir Anthony Sheldon of Wellington College. Full article here – Extracts here: Within 10 years a technological revolution will sweep aside old notions of education and change the world forever, Sir Anthony Sheldon, master of Wellington College […]

Young people fear for futures in Brexit Britain, says study

By Judith BurnsEducation reporter – Full article here – Extracts below: The report also found many (young people) were frustrated with an education system they saw as overly focused on grades rather than life skills like money management, healthy eating, mental health and relationships. About half felt their education had failed to properly prepare them […]

Coming soon, a university where students could set their own tuition fees

Full article here – The Co-operative College is looking into creating a university where students could help set fees and academics’ pay. What if students helped decide how much they should pay? What if they were involved in determining academic salaries too? This happens at Mondragon University, a non-profit co-operative in northern Spain, and […]