Qualifi is recognised as an Awarding Organisation (AO) by the qualification regulators in the UK. The regulators are the Office of the Qualifications and Examinations Regulator (Ofqual) in England. Each year Qualifi must assure the regulators that we continue to meet the General Conditions of Recognition in England and that our approved centres meet the same exacting standards.
Ofqual regulates by setting rules that awarding organisations must meet when designing and awarding regulated qualifications, particularly related to the validity, reliability and standards of the assessments it administers.
As an Ofqual recognised Awarding Organisation, Qualifi must meet Ofqual’s Recognition Criteria related to governance, integrity, resources and expertise. Our Ofqual reference number is RN5160.
For more information please contact us.
Qualifi is also a signatory to several commitments proposed by the UK Department for Business Innovation & Skills to assure non-UK entities of high standards of quality and rigour. These commitments require that we:
For more information please contact us.
Copyright 2017 Qualifi Ltd | Qualifi Ltd Company Registration No: 04619981 (England and Wales).