Widening Access to HE

Widening Access to HE


Newspaper headlines, like the Guardian this week, have been dominated by A-level results and the fall in university acceptances. But few talked about the alternative higher education routes available to these students – specifically degree apprenticeships. These valuable programmes could play a major role in widening participation in higher education, plugging the UK’s widening skills gap and closing the gap in attainment levels between the richest and poorest students. Yet awareness of them is still unacceptably low.

The article from the Guardian focuses on Degree Apprenticeships, however, there is broader message that needs to be communicated to young people. Namely that there are several alternatives to University Full-time degree programmes not just Degree Apprenticeships. Higher Level Vocationally Related Qualifications provide opportunities to study up to level 8 with opportunities to convert and top up to Hons Degrees and Masters along the way. Access to this HE route can be via many routes, including A-levels, apprenticeships, foundation degrees, HNC/D equivalents, partial study  as well as Recognition of Prior Learning and experience.

Qualifi has a range of alternative pathways available across meany sectors https://qualifi.net/university-pathways. For more information, please contact us.