Qualifi are pleased to announce soon to be available additions to our suite of cyber management and operations qualifications. We have been working with sector experts to develop qualifications associated with this rapidly growing sector; a sector that has skills shortages and thus buoyant employment prospects. In addition to the existing qualification, listed below, we will soon be releasing a level 3 and 4 qualifications.
The qualifications have been developed by experts in the field, pen portraits of whom are provided below.
RB is the author of three educational books about security. More recently, he has worked as a UK Home Office licenced Close Protection security officer for the US and UK-based organisations at many global mega-events including the London 2012 Olympics and Russia’s 2014 Winter Olympics, as a terrorist and intelligence analyst. RB has lectured regularly at UK security agencies including the National Counter-Terrorism Security Office (NACTSO), the UK Defence Academy and the UK Foreign Office. He was Secretary to the Police Business Advisory Group, the preeminent Metropolitan Police and City of London business policing body during 2007 to 2009. He served as Chief Executive Officer of City Security and Resilience Networks (CSARN) from 2009 to 2012 and Executive Director of London First (2007-09). In this post, he led on the development of a counter-terrorism focussed Business Policing Model in central London, in partnership with the Commissioner of the City of London Police and Cardiff University. RB was the UK licenced Close Protection Officer until 2015.
PB A former member of Scotland Yard’s elite SO14 Royalty Protection Department tasked with the security and protection of the British Royal Family worldwide. A security professional with over 25 years extensive experience, specialising in Power plants and critical infrastructure, Personal Protection, Crisis and Project Management. Paul is a regular member and contributor to the UK Home Office department responsible for regulation and licensing in the UK as well as many other industry groups. Paul was a team leader and project manager at various major events including 1996 Atlanta Olympics, World Cup France 98, 2012 London Olympics, 2014 Sochi Winter Olympics and many more. Extensive travel in Africa, consultant & participant in documentaries on the BBC and Channel 4 TV.
GM leads on Cyber Security for UKSP. Graeme took early retirement in 2008 from a UK Government Intelligence Agency after thirty years of dedicated service advising on security and technology. During his final 2 years Graeme was seconded to the Home Office as the first Senior Government Communications Officer and also responsible for developing the Code of Practice for, and the enactment of, RIPA Part III, which provided Law Enforcement Agencies and Public Authorities the appropriate legal powers to access encrypted data. Since 2008, Graeme has held a number of successful Directorial roles including Global Client Director for the UK Strategic Arm of a Swiss Software House, Cyber Advisor to a Global Security Risks Group and Director Cyber Security for a UK-based Security company to develop their Cyber & Cyber Security solutions portfolio.
GW is a former senior intelligence officer in the Police Service of Northern Ireland (PSNI) and Royal Ulster Constabulary (RUC) with 30 years of direct policing experience in the areas of intelligence, covert operations and counter-terrorism. A former Special Branch leader, GW has a proven track-record in covert intelligence-led operations in support of terrorist and serious, organised crime investigations; managing human intelligence sources and the supervision of specialised investigative techniques. GW advised and supported operations that prevented attacks on critical infrastructure including power plants. Most recently, GW has worked on the British Council ‘Justice for All’ programme in less developed countries, where he closely supported the Federal Intelligence agencies of several police forces on counter-terrorism issues.
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