FE should lead on the EdTech agenda

FE should lead on the EdTech agenda

Full article here – https://feweek.co.uk/2017/10/08/fe-must-lead-on-the-edtech-agenda/?utm_content=buffer5683f&utm_medium=social&utm_source=twitter.com&utm_campaign=buffer

Extracts below

The opportunity for artificial intelligence-backed virtual reality to revolutionise technical and vocational education and training is upon us, says Ali Hadawi (Principal and Chief Executive, Central Bedfordshire College).

There is a distinct opportunity for the FE sector to lead the change in delivering truly inspirational learning and training using present-day technology. Machine learning, or artificial intelligence, move the boundary into a domain where computers learn, adapt and change in response to the way a learner is responding. Better yet, the computers don’t get bored, they don’t have favourite times and they don’t mind repetition.

When this technology is coupled with an immersive or virtual reality environment, we can create training that works well in the technical and vocational sphere…

Using the AI-VR will allow colleges to work creatively with teachers, trainers and lecturers to reimagine and reconfigure their teaching approach, and hence the time they spend with learners on developing the kind of traits and skills that machines can’t teach.

AI-VR has the potential to enable colleges to improve without increasing the cost of running their operations.

To this end, we need four key actions:

  • Policymakers must trust and back the sector to lead the AI-VR revolution into TVET.
  • The TVET sector should embrace this agenda and not wait to be told what to do.
  • Ofsted needs to start thinking about how to adapt its inspection model to fit with the new world of TVET.
  • Awarding organisations should embrace change and focus on what matters to our economy.

Qualifi as an AO, are working hard to respond to emerging demand for vocationally related qualifications that meet the needs of employers, colleges and students. We welcome enquiries regarding our current qualification offer and the possibility of developing new qualifications.