Fake exam certificate website shut down

Fake exam certificate website shut down

Full article here – http://www.bbc.com/news/education-41401864

Exam boards have revealed that they have succeeded in shutting down a website selling “fake examination certificates”.

The body representing the exam boards – the Joint Council for Qualifications – says the website was selling fake GCSE and A-level certificates for £400.

Michael Turner, head of the JCQ, says it sends a “strong message”.

The exam boards say the website is now legally barred from providing fake certificates and that there had been a “flagrant infringement of the trademark”.

There have been repeated problems with websites selling copies of real degree or exam certificates, or creating certificates from bogus institutions.

Qualifi applauds the outcome and the hard work of the Joint Council for Qualifications, stating that any activity which undermines confidence in the correct awarding of certificates must be addressed. Regulated Awarding Organisations through adherence to the Conditions of Recognition and associated activity resulting in signing of the annual Statement of Compliance demonstrate their commitment to the validity of the certification. Any abuse of the system by unscrupulous individuals must be dealt with in order to reassure learners, providers and the wider education sector that they can have confidence in our collective work.